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00 S2 Official File Vol.4...I’m gonna get to the other stuff (Gundam Ace/Hobby Japan/Dengeki Hobby) in a bit.
S2 Official File Vol.4
{omitting the first chunk because it’s just general description stuff}
P2-13, character development through episode 24
P4 Setsuna
Impact phrase: “In the midst of battle, he awakens as a genuine Innovator”
Personal topics:
“His mother’s face, overlaid on Marina” ("Она мне была как мать!" О ДА! ))))
“Lockon’s words, etched [into him]“
“Omen of awakening”
P5 Lockon (Lyle)
Impact phrase: “Overcoming Anew’s death, he gains a new determination to fight”
Personal topics:
“[His] face as a spy”
“Brother / Neil complex”
“Realizing Anew’s true nature”
P6 Allelujah
Impact phrase “He fights to protect the one he loves”
Personal topics:
“Marie and he passing by each other”
“Hallelujah’s cry”
Hallelujah only appears under the effects of Trans-am Riser (Здесь и далее - Санрайз просто ГЕНЕРАЛ очевидности. Но для некоторых НАДО, чтобы было написано в ОФИЦИАЛЬНОЙ бумажке)
P7 Tieria
Impact phrase “An Innovedo who lived as a human”
It’s explained that while Tieria is an artificial life form, an Innovedo, he fought even though he knew he wasn’t human.
Personal topics:
“Completely linking with Veda”
“Bonds with the CB crew”
“Confronting Ribbons”
The golden-eyed Tieria in the OP is the image of Tieria revived in Veda after Ribbons killed him. (Так-так, значит нам в опенинге проспойлерили смерть тела Тиерии и его переселение в Веду! Кто бы мог подумать об этом раньше?! Блин, теперь это стало ТАК очевидно!)
In addition on P9 about Sumeragi:
“She was feeling guilty about not noticing Billy’s feelings. But, thanks to the power of Trans-am Raiser, the barriers between their hearts were melted.” (кто-то удивлялся почему Билли так легко перешел на сторону Сумераги? Теперь очевидное стало совсем очевидным)
P10 Feldt
Impact phrase: “She’s quietly waiting for the person she loves”
According to the article, Setsuna is unaware of Feldt’s faint feelings [for him?], and Feldt no longer has any special feelings for Lyle. (Ярэ-ярэ, значит Фелт\Сетсуна теперь ОФИЦИЛЬНО... Правда Сетсуна пока об этом не знает...)
P12 Picking up Kati and Patrick
New info below:
• When Kati challenged A-LAWS’ armada in battle, her adjunct was Ash who had participated in the elevator coup d’état with Hercule.
In Patrick’s article, “Sacrificing his machine, he protects Kati to the end, but his machine took serious damage” “Is this the end for him?” and so on. As we suspected, it seems that he’s alive. (еще одно подтверждение )))
P14-17 Explanation of the 4 Gundam’s final-battle gear
Same stuff in other magazines this month.
New information about the O-Raiser on P14:
{paraphrasing: You need a person in O-Raiser because the Trans-am Riser System requires delicate tuning/adjustment to work at maximum efficiency. And that’s why they need Saji in O-Raiser.} (вот только все равно непонятно что именно Саджи там делал... Он же просто СИДЕЛ, а управлял Харо... Хмм...)
P19-23 Explanation of the A-LAWS and Innovator side
P20, in Billy’s article, new info:
• Billy developed the Gaga {no shit…}
P21 An article on Ribbons
• He’s the one that according to Aeolia’s plan was meant to guide humanity to Utopia after they’d awoken as Innovators.
• Ribbons and company were living in Celestial Being, the colony which contained Veda designed for space travel. (теперь ясен смысл названия организации)
P22 an article on Regene.
Impact phrase: “The Innovedo who was waiting for the birth of an(the) Innovator(s)”
P24-25 Article on Regnant and Susanowo
According to this, during episode 24 while Louise [in] Regnent was fighting the 00-Raiser, [she] had taken serious damage from the Gaga suicide squad. (да ну?! А мы и не знали...)
P26 All sorts of topics
“Innovators and Innovedo”
According to this, the Innovedo are beings certainly meant to guide humanity and to mimic the appearance of the reformed, new breed of human “Innovators.”
“The miracle of the GN Drive” (Они и правда ВОЛШЕБНЫЕ!!! БВА-ХА-ХА!!!)
GN particles help to cultivate greater mutual understanding. They dissolve people’s reservations, and has become something that will hasten the end of war.
{interview with Klaus’ VA, skipping for now}
じゃ ね!
@темы: Gundam 00, ссылки, mecha-mecha, Gundam, Аниме, Для памяти, Интересности, Интернет, Новости, Развлечения, Разное, Увлечения, Цитаты
Graham Aker Фелт хорошая, но получилось все равно странно! Хотя какой там к черту пэйринг, Сетсуна с Мариной разговаривал больше, чем с Фелт.
NHO Ы! А почему бы их не объединить тогда вместе? Будет Мега-Шайтан-Арба!