О, это слово: "выписка"
— Хотя формально я еще не получил свой эпикриз и все еще числюсь пациентом, но практически я уже прошел выписную комиссию и нафиг там никому не нужен. Так что собрал манатки и вернулся домой. А за эпикризом я потом заеду
— Да, кто не понял или не прочитал раньше в каментах, поясняю - я не болел и ни от чего не лечился. Цель - исключительно обследование. Поэтому и было возможным сматывать домой на выходные.
— Хотя я был дома и в инете на прошлых и позапрошлых выходных, но только слегка каментил, отдыхал от ведения дайря . Щас попробую разгрести накопившееся. Начнем с самого простого.
S2 Official File 6 от нашего любимого переводчика...S2 Official File 6
P4-7: Celestial Being
• Aeolia was neither a particularly good or bad man.
• The Observers do not know the entire plan. [The Observers] were randomly assembled from important persons of the era who support the plan.
• The five GN Drives aren’t necessarily safe.
*It seems that Mizushima is retracting his statement from a previous interview in which he said that “the five [drives] are being left alone.” It seems that the movie will be very entertaining, don’t you think?
• The GN Drive was Aeolia’s theoretical work. It was nothing but a design. It was the later scientists who discovered that it was impossible without Jupiter’s environment, and so with Jupiter the GN Drives were produced.
• Trans-am Burst was originally intended as the 00-Raiser’s [normal] Trans-am [mode]. Although it [should be] impossible in practice, Setsuna, having become an Innovator, made it a reality.
• When Aeolia was alive, Veda too was just an idea of his. Quantum Computing, Innovators and GN Drives were all just theoretical. (lol)
P8-11: Enemy Camp
• QBW levels (A, B and so on) were something the Innovedo came up with on their own. The Innovedo were under the impression that they were A-Level, but in reality they were B. The [only] one who can utilize A-Level QBW is Setsuna. Souma’s QBW level is lower than that of the Innovedo. And Louise’s is even lower.
• What Souma can do at her level is perceive QBW. Since she can perceive them, she can quickly/nimbly interact with things. Machines designed for use by super-soldiers takes advantage of this interaction speed. Although she can perceive [QBW] she cannot transmit them.
• Super-soldiers get [QBW] headaches when they repel QBW of the same frequency, much like magnets with like charges repel each other.
• Ribbons gave Louise the same substance that is used in the bodies of the Innovedo to develop QBW.
• It is established that the GN Drives and GN Particles are behind the QBW leveling up.
• The era the Innovado were created in and their tuning varies.
Ribbons’ type was most likely borne from an earlier model, and was given qualities which differ from the later types.
The personalities of the Innovedo who were born from then on were regulated to an extent.
• The biggest mistake of CB and Veda in producing the Innovedo was the construction of combat type Innovedo. “My kind are stronger than humans,” this sort of simple sentiment began to develop, and Ribbons was the first to realize the fundamental contradiction [behind the idea].
• Ribbons told Regene and the others, “I created you,” but he didn’t really create them so to speak, rather it’s just that data obtained from Ribbons went into [their creation].
P12-13: People dragged into the fight
• Regarding Marina’s song, the world was unaware that it was something she created. It’s a song that spread by word of mouth.
• Katharon participating in the Federation government was one part of the Federation’s reconciliation policy. They were ushered into parliament under the condition that they disarm.
P14-15: Innovedo
• Ribbons was the very first Innovedo produced.
• Through Alejandro Corner, Ribbons eliminated all of the Observers.
• Setsuna managed to defeat Ribbons because he had much more combat experience. In the beginning when Ribbons was created, he was allowed to develop the characteristics he happened to posses purely on his own, but it’s been a long time since he was on the front lines.
• Ribbons was O Gundam’s original Meister, but he knew that according to the plan the Meisters were to perish. Because of that, Ribbons considered surrendering [his position as a] Meister. “I want to see Aeolia’s plan to the end!” he thought. Ribbons didn’t want to die. Even though he didn’t understand that to the end, it was tied to the plan’s failure.
• Regene is a child. It’s not like he had his eye on the top position from the beginning. Beforehand, (the Innovedo) were unconsciously [programed with the command] “enforce Aeolia’s plan.” And so he cooperated with Tieria.
• “00″ is what you might call a “hivemind” (lol)
P20-22 Mizushima x Kuroda Interview
• In the midst of my life as a screenwriter throughout the series, I think I probably went through more drafts than ever with this project. More than one episode had to be rewritten 6-7 times.
It felt like I was in the deepest pits of hell (lol).
In the middle of it, I’d become defiant and [say things like] “If I rewrite it eight times it’ll be perfect!” (Kuroda)
{more general stuff about writing the series, skipping because I’m bored}
• Originally all of the Gundam Meisters were going to be Innovedo.
As a matter of fact, because Ribbons stepped down from being a Gundam Meister, a variety of humans were able to take his place.
Tieria was just Regene’s substitute.
That’s why he wasn’t given any information about it. {not following 100% so I might be reading this wrong}
Concerning Tieria’s “I… I… I…”
(It’s been established that the Innovedo are sexless)
• That was the depiction of his identity falling apart in battle (Mizushima)
• I (Kuroda) think that originally, Tieria used “boku,” but when he became a Gundam Meister, he convinced himself to switch to “ore.” As “ore” he took pride in being able to handle his duties with ease, but with his own failure that [identity] was shaken, “I… I… I…” he sobbed. His “boku” in the second season was the result of figuring out where he stood and finally being at ease with himself. He returned to “boku”.
Well, I guess there are still traces of the original “a beautiful woman disguised as a man” concept (lol)
• In the last episode it’s not exactly as if Tieria was able to make complete use of Veda’s capabilities.
• Sumeragi is Spanish with Japanese ancestors.
• Feldt dyes her hair because she has a complex about not being born/raised on Earth.
• Lasse was supposed to die at the end of S1 but they changed it.
• Wang Liu Ming and Hong Long are half-siblings.
• Christina was a hacker. She had a bad relationship with her stepmother so she ran away from home and became a hacker. She decided to join CB to avoid being arrested.
• Lichty thought that because of the way his body was, he couldn’t fall in love normally. He gave up on the idea of happiness thinking he’d never be able to marry or have children.
{there’s more, I’m just stopping here for the moment}
The Innovedo, with the exception of Anew who is listed as female, are sexless.
* They’re not listed as “unknown” anymore, but rather “–.” On a related note, their birthdays and bloodtypes are all listed as “unknown” now.
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Мария Елифёрова
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じゃ ね!